Vietnam Veteran Elected VFW National Commander

Ending sequestration will remain a top priority under new leadership KANSAS CITY, Mo. (July 26, 2017) – The Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States concluded its 118th National Convention today with the election of Keith Harman of Delphos, Ohio, as its new national commander. Harman served in the U.S. Army from 1967 to 1969, including…

National Officers Assume Positions for 2017-2018

National Officers Assume Positions for 2017-2018 NEW ORLEANS – July 26, 2017 – Dee Guillory of Gloucester, Va., was elected National President of the Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) of the United States Auxiliary at its 104th National Convention in New Orleans, La., today (July 26). A Life Member of Wilkins-Edwards Auxiliary 176, she joined…