VFW Lauds Unanimous House Passage of Forever GI Bill

VFW Lauds Unanimous House Passage of Forever GI Bill Senate now needs to swiftly pass education improvements NEW ORLEANS (July 25, 2017) — The U.S. House of Representatives last night showed unquestionable, bipartisan commitment to America’s student veterans by voting 405-0 to pass H.R 3218, the #ForeverGIBill. “The Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States salutes the House for their…

VFW Auxiliary To Receive VFW Commander-in-Chief

VFW Auxiliary To Receive VFW Commander-in-Chief NEW ORLEANS – July 25, 2017 – Today marks the last time that Brian Duffy will address the VFW Auxiliary as VFW Commander-in-Chief. He will be escorted down the Aisle of Honor and then address the VFW Auxiliary delegation. Duffy served in the U.S. Air Force as a jet engine…