VFW Action Corps Weekly – May 12, 2017

VFW Action Corps Weekly – May 12, 2017 In This Issue: 1. VFW Supports New VA Accountability, Whistleblower Protection Act 2. Caregivers Program Review Extended 3. Senate Appropriations Hearing on Choice 4. Senate Confirms New Air Force Secretary 5. MIA Update Download a PDF version of this week’s Action Corps Weekly. 1. VFW Supports New VA…

VFW Supports New VA Accountability, Whistleblower Protection Act

VFW Supports New VA Accountability, Whistleblower Protection Act ‘Maintaining status quo doesn’t work for those who have borne the battle’ WASHINGTON (May 11, 2017) — The Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States is saluting Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) and House and Senate Veterans’ Affairs Committee leadership for reaching a bipartisan deal today that…

VA, VFW and Walgreens Collaborate to Enhance Veterans’ Access to Mental Health Resources

VA, VFW and Walgreens Collaborate to Enhance Veterans’ Access to Mental Health Resources WASHINGTON (May 10, 2017) — The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the U.S. and drugstore chain Walgreens announced a collaborative agreement May 6, which will help improve mental health care for veterans through enhanced education, access…

VFW Action Corps Weekly – May 5, 2017

VFW Action Corps Weekly – May 5, 2017 In This Issue: 1. New Government Omnibus Bill 2. Appeals Modernization Act 3. House VA Oversight Hearing 4. Senate Telemedicine Hearing 5. VA Specialized Services Hearing 6. DOD Releases Annual Sexual Assault Report 7. TRICARE Formulary Change 8. V-E Day Monday 9. MIA Update Download a PDF…