VFW Names National Teacher Award Winners

VFW Names National Teacher Award Winners Recipients to be honored during 118th VFW National Convention in July KANSAS CITY, Mo. (May 12, 2017) – The Veterans of Foreign Wars of the U.S. is proud to announce its selection of three teachers in its 2017 Smart/Maher VFW National Citizenship Education Teacher Award contest. Each year, one…

VFW Action Corps Weekly – May 12, 2017

VFW Action Corps Weekly – May 12, 2017 In This Issue: 1. VFW Supports New VA Accountability, Whistleblower Protection Act 2. Caregivers Program Review Extended 3. Senate Appropriations Hearing on Choice 4. Senate Confirms New Air Force Secretary 5. MIA Update Download a PDF version of this week’s Action Corps Weekly. 1. VFW Supports New VA…