VFW Action Corps Weekly – November 18, 2016

VFW Action Corps Weekly – November 18, 2016 In This Issue: Changing Directions Congress Advances Veterans’ Bills White House Hosts Veteran Homelessness Summit TRICARE Publications Update MIA Update Changing Directions: Army Brig. Gen. Donald Bolduc met with VFW National Commander Brian Duffy at the VFW Washington Office on Wednesday to discuss ongoing efforts to change…

VFW Action Corps Weekly – November 10, 2016

VFW Action Corps Weekly – November 10, 2016 In This Issue: National Commander Duffy Lays out Expectations Veterans Day in Washington VFW on the Mall MyVA Transformation Process Extension of Presumptive Period for Gulf War Illness VA and Social Security Partner for Faster Service America Voted MIA Update National Commander Duffy Lays out Expectations: Today,…