VFW Action Corps Weekly – October 28, 2016

VFW Action Corps Weekly – October 28, 2016 In This Issue: VFW Wants POTUS Involvement in Bonus Payback Crisis TRICARE Removes Cost Barriers for Preventive and Mental Health MyHealtheVet Update Help A Hero Scholarship Campaign MIA Update VFW Wants POTUS Involvement in Bonus Payback Crisis: Secretary of Defense Ash Carter this week ordered the Defense…

VFW Calls on POTUS to End Bonus Payback Issue Now

VFW Calls on POTUS to End Bonus Payback Issue Now ‘The president can end all this by executive order’   WASHINGTON (October 28, 2016) — Secretary of Defense Ash Carter this week ordered the Defense Finance and Accounting Services to “suspend all efforts to collect reimbursements from affected California National Guard members, effective as soon…