VFW Action Corps Weekly – September 18, 2015

VFW Action Corps Weekly – September 18, 2015 In This Issue: 1. VFW Testifies at Senate Committee Hearing 2. House Veterans’ Affairs Committee Approves Several Bills 3. VFW Hosts Eisenhower Memorial Commission 4. Gulf War Vets Needed for Research 5. National POW/MIA Recognition Day 6. Train Attack Heroes Receive Medals 7. Four MIAs Identified 1.…

VFW Action Corps Weekly – September 11, 2015

VFW Action Corps Weekly – September 11, 2015 In This Issue: 1. Patriot Day 2. House Holds Hearing on Licensing and Credentialing 3. House Oversight Committee Investigates Army Childcare Program 4. The VFW Attends Warrior-Family Symposium 5. Every Name Needs a Photo 6. Vietnam MIA Identified 1. Patriot Day: Fourteen years ago today radical Islamic…

VFW Action Corps – September 4, 2015

VFW Action Corps – September 4, 2015 In This Issue: 1. The VFW Fills the Room for Field Hearing and Town Hall Meetings 2. Pentagon VSO/MSO Conference 3. Vietnam Wall “In Memory” Program 4. Become a Vietnam War Commemorative Partner 5. Missing Medal of Honor Recipient Identified 1. The VFW Fills the Room for Field…