VFW Action Corps Weekly – November 6, 2015

Action Corps Weekly – November 6, 2015 In This Issue: 1. House Holds Hearing on VA Technology Systems 2. House Holds Joint Hearing on Veteran-Owned Small Business Contracting 3. Hearing on Misuse of VA’s Relocation Program 4. Miller and Walz on Improving VA 5. VA Releases Plan to Consolidate Community Health Care Programs 6. Government…

VFW Action Corps Weekly – October 30, 2015

Action Corps Weekly – October 30, 2015 In This Issue: 1. Joint Hearing on DOD/VA Interoperability 2. Senate Holds Hearing on Mental Health 3. Bipartisan Budget Deal Clears House 4. Wounded Warriors Federal Leave Act Passes Congress 5. TRICARE Young Adult Premiums Going Up 6. Pay & Benefits Uncertainty Tops New Family Survey 7. Gulf…

VFW Action Corps Weekly – October 23, 2015

Action Corps Weekly – October 23, 2015 In This Issue: 1. President Vetoes NDAA 2. VA Primary Care Oversight Hearing 3. Veterans Education Oversight Hearing 4. House Holds OIG Report Hearing 5. Two MIAs Recovered 1. President Vetoes NDAA: As expected, President Obama vetoed the 2015 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) on Thursday because it…