VFW Action Corps Weekly – August 28, 2015

VFW Action Corps Weekly – August 28, 2015 In This Issue: 1. Candidate Suggests Eliminating VA 2. Prudential’s SGLI Records to be Unsealed 3. Senate Field Hearings on VA Health Care 4. VFW & SVA Accepting 2016 Legislative Fellowship Applications 5. DOD Launches Website on New Prescription Drug Policy 6. GI Bill Covers O&P Training…

VFW Against Candidate’s Call to Eliminate the VA

VFW Against Candidate’s Call to Eliminate the VA WASHINGTON (August 27, 2015) — The Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States is 100 percent against suggestions made by Dr. Ben Carson to eliminate the Department of Veterans Affairs by moving it under the Department of Defense. The presidential candidate’s remark was made while appearing…

VFW’s Motion Granted: Unseal Prudential’s SGLI Records

VFW’s Motion Granted: Unseal Prudential’s SGLI Records All documents had remained sealed at Prudential’s request KANSAS CITY, Mo. (August 26, 2015) – Yesterday, U.S. District Judge Michael A. Ponsor issued a ruling that grants a motion filed by the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States (VFW) to unseal documents related to the class…

VFW Action Corps Weekly – August 21, 2015

Action Corps Weekly – August 21, 2015 In This Issue: 1. The VFW Wants to Hear from You 2. Political Candidates Court VFW Members 3. VA Announces New Rules Regarding Service Animals 4. VA Announces Two New Training Programs for Veterans 5. National POW/MIA Recognition Day 2015 6. Seeking MIA Family Reference Samples 7. Korean…

New VFW Auxiliary Now Welcomes Men

New VFW Auxiliary Now Welcomes Men Historic change reflects today’s military and veteran families KANSAS CITY, Mo. (August 21, 2015) — Today, John A. Biedrzycki Jr., national commander of the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States (VFW) added his official signature to the new congressional charter of its Auxiliary organization in a historical…